Together, let’s promote the Social and Solidarity Economy

Created in July 2013, the Luxembourg Union for the Social and Solidarity Economy (ULESS – Union Luxembourgeoise de l’Économie Sociale et Solidaire) aims to defend and promote the collective interests of Societal Impact Companies (SIS) and other actors involved in the social and solidarity economy (SSE). The Union’s mission is to raise awareness, unite, represent, promote, and defend the interests of the entire SIS ecosystem.

By connecting engaged companies, political authorities, influential actors, various projects and initiatives, and the general public, ULESS creates a unique platform for knowledge exchange and interest advocacy in Luxembourg and the Greater Region. It represents a privileged interlocutor to bring together stakeholders, advance collective knowledge, and promote the principles of societal impact economy.

A team dedicated to impact entrepreneurship

A competent and committed team manages the daily membership of ULESS by organizing networking activities, promoting the impact economy, and fostering connections with other economic sectors. Communication and awareness-raising work are, of course, an essential part of this action.

Daniel Tesch

Bruno Silva
Administrative Manager

ULESS’s operational mode is highly digitised, allowing our structure to adapt to the different needs of our members and to function perfectly within a community of organisations that share the same values and pursue the same objectives.

In many projects, our activities are based on partnerships with our members and other impact economy actors.

If you would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can meet our team either in person at our offices in Kalchesbrück, or at another agreed location, or via videoconference on a usual platform.