
Give your societal commitment the visibility it deserves!

As the umbrella organisation for social and solidarity economy in Luxembourg, ULESS has a mission to ensure effective representation of Luxembourgish social and solidarity economy enterprises at the European level.

Already represented within the Group of Experts to the European Commission on Social Entrepreneurship (GECES) and the monitoring committee of the European Social Fund (Luxembourg), ULESS has decided to further its efforts to best advocate for the interests of Luxembourgish social and solidarity economy enterprises by joining CEEP.

CEEP (Centre européen des employeurs et entreprises fournissant des services publics et des services d’intérêt général – European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing Public Services and Services of General Interest) is one of the three European social partners at the cross-industry level, alongside the European Trade Union Confederation and Business Europe.

Engaged in bipartite and tripartite social dialogue, CEEP is regularly consulted by European institutions and is particularly involved in the preparation of the European Semester.

Bringing together private and public companies and employers from various sectors, CEEP members employ 30% of the workforce and contribute to over 26% of the European GDP.